Was Jacob Sartorius Adopted?

Are TikToker and internet personality Jacob Sartorius’ parents his birth parents?

Jacob Sartorius was adopted. Shortly after he was born, Jacob was adopted because his birth parents were not in a position to raise him. 

Read on to learn more about why Jacob was adopted.

Jacob’s Adoption Story

Jacob shared a YouTube video in August of 2016, where he revealed to his fans that he was adopted as a baby. 

The star said, “I’m very open with you guys and I try to share everything that’s going on in my life because I consider you guys like my family.”

“Speaking of family, I have something to tell you guys that I think will make us all closer and allow you to get to know me better,” he continued.

Jacob then explained that although he grew up in the state of Virginia he wasn’t born there—he was born in Oklahoma.

“At the time [of my birth], my birth parents weren’t able to take care of me, so they made a plan for me to be adopted,” he shared.

He explained further, “Luckily for me, I was blessed to be able to be adopted by two of the most loving parents in the world—my mom and my dad.”

He goes on to talk about how being adopted was a great thing. He revealed that his adoptive parents have given him a fantastic childhood and that he wouldn’t want to change what happened.

He then reassured his fans that nothing has changed, since Jacob has always been aware that he was adopted.

“I’m still me and being adopted is something that I’ve never tried to hide or keep a secret,” he said.

He concludes the video by explaining that, “My friends and family have known all this, but I think it’s time for you guys to know too… I know this is only going to make us closer.”

He also tells his fans he loves them and thanks them for being so supportive through “thick and thin.”

Why was Jacob adopted?

The answer isn’t clear. Jacob only revealed that his birth parents were unable to take care of him. He didn’t give explicit reasons as to why his biological parents decided adoption was best for their son. 

Perhaps Jacob knows the whole truth but doesn’t want to give away such intimate details on a public platform. Or, perhaps this is the full extent of knowledge he has on the matter.

In any case, fans should feel happy that Jacob had a good upbringing with his adoptive parents that he considers to be his true Mom and Dad.

Watch Jacob’s YouTube video below to get all the known information on the topic.
