Robin Wright: I dislike arrogant men and diva behavior in either gender


Now that Robin Wright has admitted to getting “sprinkles” of Botox, I’m giving her beautiful face a second look. Can you see the ‘Tox in these photos? These pics are from the LA premiere of House of Cards earlier this week. I can see the ‘Tox a little bit. There’s a certain tightness, especially when she’s smiling. I still think that she’s getting some fillers too. Anyway, Robin is featured in this week’s issue of Us Weekly, their “25 Things You Don’t Know About…” feature. I thought this was interesting!

1. I take my cellphone with me everywhere. That damn thing!
2. I’m an Aries.
3. I don’t watch TV.
4. The perfume I wear most often is Chanel No. 5.
5. On set, I have to will myself not to wipe everything off my face. I really loathe wearing heavy makeup.
6. I dislike arrogant men and diva behavior in either gender.
7. I dream of playing a singer.
8. I can ask directions or order a meal in French. Seulement!
9. I enjoy classic Led Zeppelin.
10. I was born in Fort Worth, Texas.
11. The best part of shooting House of Cards in Baltimore is eating lots of soft-shell crab.
12. I run, lift weights and do yoga to stay in shape.
13. One of my first jobs was working in a clothing boutique. I got fired for telling the truth to a customer.
14. I eat at In-N-Out Burger every chance I get.
15. My nickname is “Robbie” or “Rob.”
16. My best dish is chicken potpie.
17. To prepare to play Claire on House of Cards, I just put on the Spanx and off we go!
18. My first concert was Creedence Clearwater Revival. I was 6 and watched atop my father’s shoulders as he danced.
19. Dark-chocolate-covered blueberries are my favorite sweet.
20. I’ve worked with director David Fincher twice…and hope there’s more to come.
21. My style is the complete opposite of Claire’s!
22. My top fashion designers are Ralph Lauren, Gucci and Stella McCartney.
23. I’m a supporter of Raise Hope for Congo.
24. I know three chords on the guitar.
25. I secretly want to skydive, even though it’s my greatest fear!

[From Us Weekly]

I really don’t like the smell of Chanel No. 5. Is that wrong? Do I need to turn in my Lady Pass? Chanel No. 5 is just too heavy and I tend to associate it with older ladies. Still, it’s a classic scent and maybe it suits Robin. I would have thought her more of, like, an Opium girl. Right? As for “I dislike arrogant men and diva behavior in either gender”… says the women who was married to Sean Penn. He’s like Mr. Arrogance. He’s Arrogance Von Smug. He’s Ham-Face McArrogance. So, is this a new thing? After her divorce was she all, “Never again. Life is too short to spend any time with someone so arrogant”?

PS… Robin’s ensemble here is by Kate Spade. I think those satin pants were a terrible idea.



Photos courtesy of WENN.
